
The magnetic phase transitions of pseudo-binary rare earth (R) Laves phasesR1−xYxCo2 have been investigated by perturbed angular correlation (PAC)measurements of the magnetic hyperfine fields at the probe nucleus111Cd forR = Tb, Sm and Ho at variousY concentrations x and for R = Gd, Dy, Er, Nd and Pr at the concentrationx = 0.3. First-order transitionswere observed in Tb1−xYxCo2 and Sm1−xYxCo2 for x≥0.3,in Ho1−xYxCo2 forx≤0.4 andin R0.7Y0.3Co2 forR = Dy, Ho, Er, Ndand Pr. For Gd0.7Y0.3Co2, the temperature dependence of the average magnetic hyperfine fieldis compatible with a second-order transition. The discontinuity of themagnetic hyperfine interaction at the first-order transitions of heavyR1−xYxCo2, which mainly reflects the jump of 3d magnetization of the Co subsystem atTC, was found to increase monotonically with decreasing order temperature. TheTC dependence of the normalized magnetic frequency with T0 = 203(5) K for the boundary temperature between first- and second-order transitionscan be explained by the temperature dependence of the coefficient of theM4 term of the free energy in the Wohlfarth–Rhodes–Shimizu theory of itinerant electronmetamagnetism.

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