
The 3B20 Duplex Processor (3B20D) and its DMERT operating system represents a new and very important building block for the Bell System's stored program network. The first system to cut over was the network control point application in Kansas City, Missouri, on September 3, 1981. By year end 1982, the common 3B20D/DMERT processor system will have been in service supporting six different telecommunication applications across 65 different sites in 17 of the 20 Bell Operating Companies, including the Long Lines Division of AT&T. By year-end 1983, the number of different applications is expected to grow to ten and the number of sites to 300, covering all Bell Operating Companies. This very rapid buildup from first introduction to substantial deployment throughout the Bell System establishes the 3B20D/DMERT processor as a key element for the continued evolution of the Bell System's stored program network. <sup xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">1</sup>

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