
PrefaceIntegrated coastal management (ICM) has been acknowledged as the most effective approach in managing coastal and marine areas in integrative and holistic ways in the last two decades. Implementation of ICM practices in many areas in the region has given lessons learned either in success or fail stories. The success or fail of implementation of an ICM practice in an area will depend on a specific situation and condition of the area. Both ecological and social characters of an area are site specifics which are cannot be generalized and requires a “tailored-made design” in a specific area. In this conference, lesson learned on the implementation of various steps of ICM in many areas will be shared. Special approach/methodology/tools which has been applied to address specific problems will be discussed. The potential applicability and replication of specific approach/methodology/tools towards specific problems will be also discussed as well as enhance the scale of the application. ICM scopes are covering themes of: marine protected areas, coastal resources and ecosystem rehabilitation, sustainable fisheries management and ecosystem approach to fisheries management, coastal disaster risk reduction and climate change impact and adaptation management, community livelihood enhancement, ecosystem services and valuation, and marine spatial planning.Besides ICM-related themes, this conference will also discuss the latest development of marine biotechnology covering bioprospecting, marine natural products, and marine environmental biotechnology.List of Speakers and Conference Photographs are available in this Pdf.

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