
Facial sutures contribute significantly to postnatal facial development, but their potential role in craniofacial disease is understudied. Since interest in their development and physiology peaked in the mid-twentieth century, facial sutures have not garnered nearly the same clinical research interest as calvarial sutures or cranial base endochondral articulations. In addition to reinforcing the complex structure of the facial skeleton, facial sutures absorb mechanical stress and generally remain patent into and beyond adolescence, as they mediate growth and refine the shape of facial bones. However, premature closure of these sites of postnatal osteogenesis leads to disrupted growth vectors and consequent dysmorphologies. Although abnormality in individual sutures results in isolated facial deformities, we posit that generalized abnormality across multiple sutures may be involved in complex craniofacial conditions such as syndromic craniosynostosis. In this work, the authors comprehensively review 27 key facial sutures, including physiologic maturation and closure, contributions to postnatal facial development, and clinical consequences of premature closure.

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