
The deviation from secular equilibrium between the natural radionuclide 210Po (half-life: 138.4 d) and its radioactive grandparent 210Pb (half-life: 22.3 y) has been used to examine particle export from the surface ocean. Here we combine 210Po and 210Pb activity results from three GEOTRACES transects: two transects of the North Atlantic Ocean (GA03: 15–40°N, and GA01: 40–60°N) and one transect of the South Pacific Ocean (GP16: 10–15°S), and estimate 210Po export fluxes at the base of the primary production zone (PPZ) by assuming steady state (SS) without advection or diffusion of the isotopes. The SS 210Po flux was sometimes lower at basin margins than at the open-ocean stations along the transects. High SS 210Po flux estimations derived in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre may be associated with the atmospheric deposition of 210Pb to the surface ocean. In this paper we also question the validity of the SS assumption and discuss the influence of vertical advection and diffusion on the overall 210Po activity balance. The SS model may have underestimated the export flux of 210Po at margin stations in the GA03 and GP16 transects and along the GA01 cruise track. We found that upwelling in the Peruvian coastal region and near the Greenland shelf had a dramatic impact on the estimated 210Po flux balance. Vertical diffusion had limited influence on the 210Po export fluxes along GA03 and GA01 in the North Atlantic whereas it added 210Po export fluxes by as much as 190% in GP16 in the Pacific, especially at the shelf stations 1 and 4. Further, analysis of the partitioning coefficient suggested the importance of small particles in the scavenging of radionuclides. This suggests it is wise to sample small particles along with large particles to determine the ratio of the concentration of particulate organic carbon (POC) to 210Po activity (POC/210Po) for the lower limit of POC export flux estimations. Finally, the observation of the deficit of 210Po relative to 210Pb activity (210Po/210Pb < 1) in seawater concurrent with a deficit of 210Po in particles contradicts our understanding of the conceptual 210Po flux model, which assumes that 210Po activity is more effectively removed from the surface ocean via particles than 210Pb activity. While this observation deserves more attention, we propose two possible solutions: (1) the deficit of total 210Po relative to 210Pb activity in the surface ocean may be due to an input of 210Pb activity instead of/concurrent with a relative removal of 210Po activity via particle export; or (2) the particles collected may not be identical to the ones that have originally created the observed deficit in total 210Po activity.

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