
In the year 2002 and 2003 the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) started the “Priority Assistance for the Formation of Worldwide Renowned Centers of Research — The 21st Century Center of Excellence (COE) Program”, which is planned to continue for 5 years. A program proposed by Tokyo Institute of Technology “Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems for Sustainable Development of the World” simply called as COE-INES was selected as only one program in nuclear engineering field. The program consists of research, education and international collaboration. The research will be performed on the innovative nuclear energy systems, which include innovative nuclear reactors and innovative fuel cycles. The research on innovative nuclear reactors does not cover only reactor design studies but also its utilization systems such as hydrogen production. Both free thinking and overall vision are taken on the research. They are stressed on education also. In the education program (COE-INES Captainship Program) by integrating research with education, we will foster creative researchers and engineers. The program also provides lectures at the professional engineer level, and also various opportunities to cultivate internationalism. We believe these ideas are occupied by many scientists in various countries. Then we have a plan to promote the international collaboration for research and education on innovative nuclear energy systems.

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