
Subject. The article discusses the finance of the census as a budgetary project, and respective issues. We focus on the specifics of expenditures for the 2020 census in Russia. Objectives. The study unveils and analyzes institutional expenditures for the 2020 census in Russia, identifies direct and indirect spending on the census. We substantiate approaches and suggestions concerning the improvement of the Russian census management and finance. Methods. The article is based on evidential, statistical and digital materials from Russia and other countries. We applied empirical, systems, analytical, economic, historical and other methods of epistemology. The practice is viewed as a measure of the truth of theoretical provisions. Results. The study unveils institutional sources and mechanisms for the finance of the Russian census, identifies specific features of the 2020 census expenditures in Russia. We suggest how the census should be improved in terms of the process management and finance. As a conclusion, we make our suggestions on the improvement of the financial management and balance of the census. The article proves it is possible to considerably cut the census spending during the digitalization of the public and municipal management. Conclusions and Relevance. The growing budget deficit makes the State analyze and reduce its expenditures. We suggest amending the census rules and considerably cut its costs. So, institutions should refuse to charge millions of local fees and hire census takers, but rather choose to use national data registers. The findings can be used to formulate and implement budgetary investment policy of governmental bodies, and by higher educational institutions.

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