
The Pasadena office of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), together with the Caltech Seismological Laboratory, operates a network of more than 350 remote seismometers in southern California called the S outhern C alifornia S eismic N etwork (SCSN). SCSN is part of TriNet, a cooperative project between the USGS, Caltech, and the California Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG). The TriNet project is halfway completed and is upgrading the existing network to digital, adding new stations, and developing real-time and earthquake-alert capabilities. Signals from the SCSN sites are telemetered to a central processing location at the Caltech Seismological Lab in Pasadena. Computers that detect and record thousands of earthquakes each year continuously monitor these signals. Phase arrival times for these events are picked by analysts and are archived along with digital seismograms. Data acquisition, processing, and archiving are achieved using the Caltech/USGS Seismic Processing (CUSP) system (Dollar, 1989). These data have been compiled into the SCSN Catalog of Earthquakes, a list beginning in 1932 that currently contains more than 356,300 events. Waveform, phase, and catalog data are archived by the Southern California Earthquake Center Data Center (SCEC_DC). This data set is critical to the evaluation of earthquake hazards in California and to the advancement of geoscience as a whole. This and previous SCSN Bulletins are intended to serve several purposes, the most important of which is to make Network data more accessible to current and potential users. The Bulletins also document important details of Network operation so that researchers can use the data with a full understanding of the process by which they are collected. The list of fifteen new stations added through 31 December 1999 is in Table 1. A list of all currently operating TriNet stations (all three TriNet agencies) may be found at http://www.trinet.org/trinetmap/trinetmap.html, and …

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