
Extensive new ultraviolet and optical spectra of an atmospheric eclipse define the physical properties throughout the wind and chromosphere of 31 Cyg. These data require mass loss of approximately 3 x 10(exp -8) solar masses/yr in a wind that may merge smoothly into the chromosphere. Considerations of how energy is injected into the wind, however, suggest that the chromosphere and wind are separate structures. Most, if not all, of the velocity structure in metallic lines, which we have heretofore simulated with Doppler widths in the range 15-25 km/s, results from differential expansion of the atmosphere. Electron densities in the inner R(sub star) of the chromosphere are in the range 1.5 x 10(exp 9) - 2 x 10(exp 8)/cu cm, which implies clumping of the gas. The ionization of oxygen and nitrogen is consistent with clumping by factors of 3-30 in the outer chromosphere, roughly the amount required to give enough gas pressure to support the chromosphere. Chromospheric gas in 31 Cyg becomes hotter with increasing height, thus with decreasing optical depth, in a way that seems similar for all the zeta Aur binaries. Excitation temperature for Fe II in 1992/93 rises from about 5000 K at the deepest points sampled to about 12,500 K high in the wind. Strengths of violet Balmer lines give an excitation temperature for hydrogen of 6200-6500 K above a radial mass column density of approximately 0.01 g/sq cm. This amount of excitation implies that Lyman-alpha is thermalized beneath about 4 x 10(exp -3) g/sq cm. The outer atmosphere was symmetrical to within a factor of 2 in 1992/93, although it was clearly variable at this level, and it had similar mass column densities as in 1982. One manifestation of the variability was a flow toward the B star at phases 0.013-0.022 spanning velocities 45-100 km/s. Several lines of evidence point to a complicated and variable ionization in the wind: At large distance from the K star, measured mass column densities are less by up to a factor of 3 than required by a smoothly flowing wind. Also, much of the gas beyond r = 350 solar radii = 1.75 R(sub star) has a negative radial velocity. Radial velocities of the shell lines imply the outer atmosphere rotates in the direction of orbital motion, possibly through the deflection of wind flow lines in this direction.

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