
Using 0.002 cm−1 resolution Fourier transform absorption spectra of an 17O-enriched ozone sample, an extensive analysis of the ν3 band together with a partial identification of the ν1 band of the 17O16O17O isotopomer of ozone has been performed for the first time. As for other C2v-type ozone isotopomers [J.-M. Flaud and R. Bacis, Spectrochim. Acta, Part A 54, 3–16 (1998)], the (001) rotational levels are involved in a Coriolis-type resonance with the levels of the (100) vibrational state. The experimental rotational levels of the (001) and (100) vibrational states have been satisfactorily reproduced using a Hamiltonian matrix which takes into account the observed rovibrational resonances. In this way precise vibrational energies and rotational and coupling constants were deduced and the following band centers ν0(ν3) = 1030.0946 cm−1 and ν0(ν1) = 1086.7490 cm−1 were obtained for the ν3 and ν1 bands, respectively.

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