
A D-decomposition of a graph (or digraph) G is a partition of the edge set (or arc set) of G into subsets, where each subset induces a copy of the fixed graph D. Graph decomposition finds motivation in numerous practical applications, particularly in the realm of symmetric graphs, where these decompositions illuminate intricate symmetrical patterns within the graph, aiding in various fields such as network design, and combinatorial mathematics, among various others. Of particular interest is the case where G is K*λKv*, the λ-fold complete symmetric digraph on v vertices, that is, the digraph with λ directed edges in each direction between each pair of vertices. For a given digraph D, the set of all values v for which K*λKv* has a D-decomposition is called the λ-fold spectrum of D. An eight-cycle has 22 non-isomorphic orientations. The λ-fold spectrum problem has been solved for one of these oriented cycles. In this paper, we provide a complete solution to the λ-fold spectrum problem for each of the remaining 21 orientations.

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