
The aim of the present study was to investigate the ability of different benzodiazepine recognition site antagonists (Ro 15-1788 and ZK 93426) and inverse agonists (Ro 15-4513, FG 7142 and CGS 8216) to induce abstinence signs in diazepam-dependent cats. Different groups of cats were challenged with each of the benzodiazepine recognition site ligands under investigation 24 hours after the last dose of chronic treatment with diazepam (7 mg/kg, IP at 8.00 a.m. and 8.00 p.m. for 21 consecutive days). The benzodiazepine derivatives Ro 15-4513 and Ro 15-1788 precipitated an abstinence syndrome within minutes after IP administration. The pyrazoloquinoline derivative CGS 8216 also induced withdrawal signs that were less severe and had a longer latency than those elicited by Ro 15-4513 and Ro 15-1788. Abstinence signs included tremors, increased muscle tone, irritability, fear, arched-back posture, pupillary dilation and vocalizations. On the other hand, the β-carboline derivatives ZK 93426 and FG 7142 failed to precipitate abstinence signs in induce withdrawal signs in diazepam-dependent cats depends on the chemical structure of the challenge drug (i.e., benzodiazepine or pyrazoloquinoline), since β-carboline antagonists like ZK 93426 and partial inverse agonists like FG 7142 lack this property.

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