
In 1975 Figari, HĂžegh-Krohn and Nappi constructed theP(φ)2{\mathscr P}(\varphi )_2model on the de Sitter space. Here we complement their work with new results, which connect this model to various areas of mathematics. In particular, i.) we discuss the causal structure of de Sitter space and the induces representations of the Lorentz group. We show that the UIRs ofSO0(1,2)SO_0(1,2)for both the principal and the complementary series can be formulated on Hilbert spaces whose functions are supported on a Cauchy surface. We describe the free classical dynamical system in both its covariant and canonical form, and present the associated quantum one-particle KMS structures in the sense of Kay (1985). Furthermore, we discuss the localisation properties of one-particle wave functions and how these properties are inherited by the algebras of local observables.ii.) we describe the relations between the modular objects (in the sense of Tomita-Takesaki theory) associated to wedge algebras and the representations of the Lorentz group. We connect the representations of SO(1,2) to unitary representations ofSO(3)SO(3)on the Euclidean sphere, and discuss how theP(φ)2{\mathscr P}(\varphi )_2interaction can be represented by a rotation invariant vector in the Euclidean Fock space. We present a novel Osterwalder-Schrader reconstruction theorem, which shows that physicalinfrared problemsare absent on de Sitter space. As shown in Figari, HĂžegh-Krohn, and Nappi (1975), the ultraviolet problems are resolved just like on flat Minkowski space. We state the Haag–Kastler axioms for theP(φ)2{\mathscr P}(\varphi )_2model and we explain how thegeneratorsof the boosts and the rotations for the interacting quantum field theory arise from thestress-energy tensor. Finally, we show that the interacting quantum fields satisfy theequations of motionin their covariant form. In summary, we argue that the de SitterP(φ)2{\mathscr P}(\varphi )_2model is the simplest and most explicit relativistic quantum field theory, which satisfies basic expectations, like covariance, particle creation, stability and finite speed of propagation.

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