
As a new year begins, I would like to thank our reviewers, who take time from their busy schedules, without recompense, to work for The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. We receive approximately 200 manuscripts each year, and the publication has risen from 12 to 14 issues, so there is always a lot to do. Contributions from all our reviewers helped raise the impact factor of the Journal (now 2.2). I would also like to thank the members of the Editorial Board. You may notice that its membership has expanded considerably. All Board members, both new and old, make a major commitment to the Journal. While we ask expert psychiatrists (and other mental health professionals) across Canada to review submissions, members of the Board are doing the lion's share. They also attend Editorial Board meetings at the Annual General Meeting, which review Journal policies and brainstorm ideas for the In Review series (and for the In Debate series). I would like to offer special thanks to Roger Bland, David Goldbloom, Paul Grof, Alain Lesage, and David Streiner for their role in the Journal. Once every year, at CPA Spring Rounds, a core group of editors meets and spends an entire day planning the future of the publication. We hired new staff at the Journal in 2005, and I would like to acknowledge their fine work: the Managing Editor, Virginia St-Denis, and the Editorial Coordinator, Eryn Kirkwood. The Journal is read by 70% of all psychiatrists in Canada and, with the availability of Web access, has a greater international profile. We have a mandate from the CPA to be a strong scientific publication, and we are fulfilling it with a combination of original research, systematic reviews, and debates. The Journal continues to aim for both quality and relevance. Manuscript Reviewers / Reviseurs de textes Donald Addington Julio E Arboleda-Florez Martin Aida Lisa Andermann Lawrence Annable Suzanne Archie AG Awad Pierre Beausejour Cynthia Beck Chawki Benkelfat Lise Bergeron Joan Bishop Regis Biais Luc Blanchet David Bloom Michael Bond Rudy Bowen Elspeth Bradley Susan Bradley Jean Jacques Breton Catherine Briand Simon A Brooks Alain Brunet Barry Campbell Nicole Casacalenda Gary Andrew Chaimowitz Ranjith Chandrasena Dara Charney Martin G CoIe Robert Cooke Marc Corbiere Gilles Cote Anne Crocker Nicholas J Delva Maurice Dongier Charles EIs Murray Enns Marie-Josee Fleury Eric Fombonne David S Goldbloom Elliot M Goldner Benjamin Goldstein Paul Grof David J Harris Lily Hecthman PCS Hoaken Abel Ickowicz Mimi Israel Umesh Ravi Jain Eric Jarvis Ridha Joober Allan Kaplan Laurence Katz Edward Kingstone Steven Kisely Diana Koszycki Carl Lachante Phillipe Lageix Raymond Lam Pierre Landry Eric Latimer Jean Leblanc Karine Letourneau Anthony J Levitt Paul S Links John Livesley Karl Looper Ashok K Malla Roderick J MacLeod Glenda MacQueen Catherine Mancini Howard Margolese Francois Maranda Marie-Josee Marois Paul Max William O McCormick Rosemary Meier Harold Merskey Klaus K Minde Rachel Moorehouse Beverly Murphy Michael F Myers Juan-Carlos Negrete Marion Olsted Wemer J Pankratz Joel Paris Irene Patelis-Siotis Patricia Pearce P Susan Penfold Debra Pepier Michel Perreault Emmanuel Persad Kathleen Estelle Pierson Gilbert Pinard Trevor Prior Arun Ravindran Ronald A Remick Gail Erlick Robinson Patricia Rosebush Cecile Rousseau Cheryl Rowe Renee Roy Isaac Sakinofsky Marc Sasseville Jean-Francois Saucier Norbert Schmidt Mary V seeman Denyck H Smith Howard Steiger Meir Steiner Warren Steiner Emmanuel Slip Aidan Stokes David Streiner Richard P Swinson Peter Szatmari Raymond Tempier Philip Tibbo Michael Tremblay Rob van Reekum Steven Vida Donald A Wasylenki Margaret Weiss D Blake Woodside Ari E Zaretsky Phyllis Zelkowitz Mark Zoccolillo CAPE Special Issue / CAPE edition speciale David Pevalin Brian Rush Terry Wade Alain Lesage Roger Bland Heather Stuart Book Reviewers / Critiques de livres Allan Abass Alex Adsett Joy Albuquerque Harvey Armstrong Christiane Bertelli Harry Bissada Lise Broch Marie-Josee Brouillette Laura Calhoun Colin Cameron Paul Cameron R Chandrasena David Crockford Nicholas J Delva Natasha Demidenko Maucrice Dongier Alan B Douglass AnneDuffy Nady el-Guebaly Paul Federoff Stuart Fine George A Fraser Daniel Greben Paul Grof Rick Guscott Herta Guttman Magdelena Janus Llewellyn W Joseph Anne Josiukas Sidney Kennedy Vera Lantos Yvon LaPierre John Livesly Francois Mai Mortimer Mamelak Bruce D. …

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