
I know I must be getting old because 5 years slips by so quickly. The former Editorial Board completed their 5-year term at the end of 2012. The new Board is being finalized as this issue goes to print. The interest in these positions has been huge, and the selection process is very difficult. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the previous Board members for their hard work and contribution to the journal's successes. We now receive about four times more manuscripts than we did when they started, so they have had to work very hard. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I would also like to extend a warm welcome to Associate Professor Michelle Cleary, the new Deputy Editor. Michelle will be known to many of you, at least by name. She is a prolific author and a strong supporter of the Internal Journal of Mental Health Nursing. She is a lightning-fast reviewer, but equally thorough and constructive. She has already been a great support for my role, and I look forward to working her even harder! The biggest thanks of all goes to Associate Professor Trish Martin, the Deputy Editor for the past 7 years. She has reviewed a very long list of manuscripts, which she does willingly (well, usually) and very, very quickly. Her support has been pivotal to the journal's current positioning. Fortunately, she has agreed to remain as a member of the Editorial Board (something to do when the DVD player malfunctions?). As is her nature, Trish has largely worked behind the scenes so much so that I was amazed she finally agreed (after many invitations) to write an Editorial. Trish, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support. I wish you all the very best in retirement. You will be greatly missed by the mental health nursing profession. Your involvement in the college, and mental health nursing more broadly, would be hard to top.

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