
Thalia dealbata biological habits Thalia dealbata is a perennial emergent plants, is a very high value ornamental water flowers, to commemorate the German botanist Johnny • Purcell derived from the name. Taxonomic status. Thalia dealbata scientific name Thalia dealbata. Alias arrowroot water, Thalia. Belonging to Dong leaves Branch / Marantaceae, Thalia genera. Morphological characteristics. Thalia dealbata with complex spikes, born peduncle from the inside out of the top of the sheath; bracts numerous, half closed, shedding flowers; purple flowers, 2-3 florets coated by two small bracts close was born rachis; Bracteoles long 0.8-1.5cm, concave, leathery, abaxially glabrous, with a waxy surface layer mask white belly pubescence; Sepals 1.5-2.5mm, purple; lateral staminodes petal-shaped, base white to lavender, dark purple tip and edges, long 1.2-1.5cm, width 0.6cm; Corolla tube short column, lilac, lip-shaped pocket, dark purple upper and lower lavender. Plant height 100-250cm, plant foliage height 60-150cm. Peduncle slender, often above the foliage 50-100cm; basal leaves, 4-6 tablets; petiole longer, about 40-80cm, the lower part of the sheath-like, slightly swollen base, top and base of the petiole reddish brown or light brown; leaf to ovate-lanceolate to oblong, long 20-50cm, width 10-20cm, hard paper, gray-green, purple edge, entire; dorsal surface is white powder, leaf belly mask sparse pubescence; leaf base blunt, sharp pointed leaves; outfeed parallel veins. Capsule spherical or near spherical obovate, length, width axis about 0.9-1.2cm and 0.8-1.1cm, peel light green when ripe top cracking; mature seeds brown, rough surface, arillate, hilum more apparent. The flowers with massive roots, rhizomes sprout growth of ramets; especially developed roots, rhizomes clouds on adventitious roots, the roots can grow 10cm 70-90 bars of the students, adventitious root length 50-90cm, there is lateral, upper lateral root root especially developed. Thalia dealbata underground roots and rhizomes huge volume of space, and aboveground fairly. Geographical Distribution. Thalia dealbata native to the southern United States and Mexico, tropical plants, perennial aquatic herb, grown mainly in southern China and Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau. Growth habit. Love warm wet, sunny climate, not cold, gradually withered after the winter aboveground. With roots in the mud in the winter. Slightly alkaline soil to grow well. Abstract: value of aquatic plants, but also has strong decontamination capability, so that it can be used w ith Thalia dealbata not only has the pow er to spend adaptable, easy to grow ,high ornamental

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