
Thalamotomy significantly suppressed essential tremor in 86% of patients and restored the ability to hold a glass to drink in 81% in the long term, but tremor recurred in 5/21 patients up to 5 years postoperatively, unlike parkinsonian patients whose tremor seldom recurs after 3 months. In multiple sclerosis (MS), 67% of those followed showed sustained significant suppression of tremor, 67% sustained improvement in dexterity, 50% in drinking; tremor recurred up to 5 years postoperatively. In other cerebellar tremors, 52% of those followed enjoyed lasting significant relief of tremor, 55% in dexterity, 45% in drinking, tremor relief being best in poststroke cases. Chronic thalamic stimulation may be the preferred therapy in MS and other cerebellar tremors.

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