
AbstractA hierarchical scheme proposed by Kaas and colleagues suggests that primate auditory cortex can be divided into core and belt regions based on anatomic connections with thalamus and distinctions among response properties. According to their model, core auditory cortex receives predominantly unimodal sensory input from the ventral nucleus of the medial geniculate body (MGBv); whereas belt cortex receives predominantly cross‐modal sensory input from nuclei outside the MGBv. We previously characterized distinct response properties in rat primary (A1) versus ventral auditory field (VAF) cortex; however, it has been unclear whether VAF should be categorized as a core or belt auditory cortex. The current study employed high‐resolution functional imaging to map intrinsic metabolic responses to tones and to guide retrograde tracer injections into A1 and VAF. The size and density of retrogradely labeled somas in the medial geniculate body (MGB) were examined as a function of their position along the caudal‐to‐rostral axis, subdivision of origin, and cortical projection target. A1 and VAF projecting neurons were found in the same subdivisions of the MGB but in rostral and caudal parts, respectively. Less than 3% of the cells projected to both regions. VAF projecting neurons were smaller than A1 projecting neurons located in dorsal (MGBd) and suprageniculate (SG) nuclei. Thus, soma size varied with both caudal‐rostral position and cortical target. Finally, the majority (>70%) of A1 and VAF projecting neurons were located in MGBv. These MGB connection profiles suggest that rat auditory cortex, like primate auditory cortex, is made up of multiple distinct core regions. J. Comp. Neurol. 518:1630–1646, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.

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