
Introduction: Electrical injuries are important environmental emergencies, ranging from simple skin burns to death. In this case, thalamic infarction, as a rare effect of electrical injury, will be discussed. Case Report: A 38-year-old male patient being multiplied 380 volt industrial electricity was admitted to the emergency department with complaints of numbness and loss of strength on the right side 1 day after the event. In the first examination, the vital signs were stable and the patient was conscious. The lung, heart, and abdominal examination was normal. Whole blood count and blood chemistry were normal. The ECG was normal sinus rhythm. An acute infarct in the left thalamic level was detected in the captured brain CT and diffusion MR. All tests conducted for the etiology were considered normal. The patient was followed and treated for 15 days in the neurology department and then discharged from there. Conclusion: Electrical injuries are common and major environmental emergencies that can be fatal. They can cause a lot of early and late neurologic syndromes. Cerebral infarction within this syndrome is a very rare statement. Although paresthesia due to electrical injuries is transient, imaging methods, such as CT and MR, should be used.

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