
Effects of TGF-beta and IFN-gamma on locomotion of high density B cells from human tonsils were studied using polarization and filter assays. Culture with TGF-beta (10 pg to 1 ng/ml) induced a gradual increase in locomotor morphologies in 40 to 50% of B cells during overnight culture. This was not immediate (<30 min) suggesting that TGF-beta is not a chemotactic factor. The time course suggests that B cells acquired a locomotor phenotype during the first few hours of culture. B cells cultured in TGF-beta increased in size, but to a lesser extent than those cultured in IL-4 used as a control. More cells were polarized in TGF-beta + IL-4 than in either alone. Following culture in TGF-beta, B cells showed vigorous responses to anti-IgD used as a chemoattractant in short-term assays. In contrast, addition of IFN-gamma (20-100 U/ml) to B cells in culture in IL-4, anti-CD40, or TGF-beta inhibited activation of locomotor capacity by the latter agents, and IFN-gamma-cultured B cells showed an even lower response to anti-IgD in a short-term polarization or filter assay than those cultured in medium alone. IFN-gamma also inhibited uridine incorporation by cultured B cells, and cells cultured in IFN-gamma showed no size increase. We suggest that IFN-gamma prevents locomotor activation by inhibiting progress of B cells into the G1 phase of growth.

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