
‘Tg-Δ rule’, i.e., a linear relationship between the glass transition temperature (Tg) and the Mossbauer quadrupole splitting (Δ), is applied to semiconducting 10K2O⋅(90-x)V2O5⋅xFe2O3 and 25K2O⋅(75-x)V2O5⋅xFe2O3 glasses (henceforth denominated glass A and B, respectively). Slopes of the straight lines obtained from the plot of Tg vs. Δ (i.e., 685 and 690°C (mm·s-1)-1 for glass A and glass B, respectively) imply that the Fe(III) atoms substitute tetrahedral V(IV) or V(V) atoms and play a role of network former. Both Tg and Δ values increase with the Fe2O3 content, suggesting that Fe(III) causes an increase in the distortion of VO4 tetrahedra. Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra prove that Fe(III) does not essentially change the network structure. These experimental results are discussed together with the ‘Tg-Δ rule’ that was recently applied to aluminate, gallate and borosilicate glasses.

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