
The effects of texture, including Brass, Goss + Cube and Cube, on the fatigue crack growth behavior in annealed Al-Cu–Mg alloy sheets were characterized in this investigation. Results showed that the Goss + Cube sheet possessed the greatest fatigue threshold value and the lowest fatigue crack propagation (FCP) rate, and the Brass sheet presented the smallest threshold value and the greatest FCP rate among the three textured sheets. SEM results showed more slip bands and more tortuous crack path formed in Goss + Cube sheet during cyclic loading, and EBSD results showed that numerous dramatic crack deflections occurred when fatigue crack propagated across Goss-grain boundary in Goss + Cube sheet, indicating that the grain orientations including Goss and Cube had positive effect on enhancing the FCP resistance. On the one hand, Goss and Cube grains have more high Schmid factor slip systems than Brass grain, promoting persistent slip bands formation and externally applied energy consumption, consequently giving rise to a high resistance to FCP. On the other hand, Goss grains could induce crack deflection with large twist angles, resulting in more energy consumption during the cracking process and thereby enhance the FCP resistance.

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