
Static and dynamic linear analyses of axisymmetric capillary instabilities in textured nematic liquid crystalline fibres are performed using the equations of nemato-statics and inviscid nemato-dynamics. Three representative textures, viz. axial, onion, and radial, are analysed to show all possible effects of Frank gradient elasticity on the wavelength selection and growth rate of peristaltic modes driven by surface area reduction. It is found that Frank elasticity may tend to stabilize or destabilize the fibre, depending on the initial fibre texture. Axial textures tend to stabilize the fibre through the director splay–bend distortions driven by surface tilting. Onion textures are destabilized by decreasing azimuthal bend elastic energy caused by surface displacement. Radial textures exhibit a stabilizing tilt mechanism due to bend modes and a destabilizing displacement mechanism due to splay modes, but the former is predicted to be dominant. The static analysis provides good estimates of the instability thresholds while the transient energy balance provides information on the fastest growing modes. The static and dynamic results are compared and shown to be fully consistent. The couplings between splay and/or bend distortions, surface tilting, and surface displacement in nematic fibres are characterized and used to explain the deviations from the classical Rayleigh instability.

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