
Tissue structures, represented by textures in radiographs, can be quantified using texture analysis methods. Different texture analysis methods have been used to discriminate between different aspects of various diseases in primarily x rays of chest, bone, and breasts. However, most of these methods have not specifically been developed for use on radiographs. Certain characteristics of the radiographic process, e.g., noise and blurring, influence the visible texture. In order for a texture analysis method to be able to discriminate between different underlying textures, it should not be too sensitive for such processes as image noise and blur. In this study, we investigated the sensitivity of four different texture analysis methods for image noise and blur. First, a baseline measurement was performed of the discriminative performance of the Spatial Gray-Level Dependence method, the Fourier Power Spectrum, the Fractal Dimension, and the Morphological Gradient Method on images, which were not affected by radiographic noise and blur. Two types of images were used: fractal and Brodatz. Whereas the Brodatz images represent very different textures, the differences between the fractal images are more gradual. We assume that the behavior of the different texture analysis methods on the fractal images is representative for their performance on radiologic textures. On these types of images we simulated the effect of four different noise levels and the effect of two different modulation transfer functions, corresponding with different screenfilm combinations. The influence on the discriminative performance of the four texture analysis methods was evaluated. The influence of noise on the discriminative performance is, as expected, dependent on the image type used; the discrimination of more gradually different images, such as the fractal images, is already lowered for relatively low noise levels. In contrast, when the images are more different, only high noise levels decrease the discriminative performance. The discriminative power of the Morphological Gradient Method is least affected by image blur. We conclude that the discriminative performance of the Morphological Gradient Method is superior to that of other methods in circumstances which mimic the conditions prevailing in radiographs.

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