
218BCom, Vol. 54, No. 1 (2002) Finally he notices the comical king in La mayor hazaña de Carlos VT (1656), the interesting work of a Jewish emigrant in Holland, though this was anticlerical farce rather than courtly drama (291). Alan Soons Massachusetts Center for Renaissance Studies University of Massachusetts-Amherst Texto e Imagen en Calderón. Undécimo Coloquio Anglogermano sobre Calderón. St. Andrews, Escocia, 17-20 de julio de 1996. Ed. Manfred Tietz. Archivum Calderonianum. Tomo 8. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1998. 336 pp. Few conferences with published acta have the long and distinguished record of the Coloquios Anglogermanos founded by Hans Flasche in 1969. Although this current edition, now edited by Manfred Tietz, is not officially called an homage volume, it is clearly dedicated to the memory of the eminent scholar who passed away in 1994. The first entry, after a brief "Nota preliminar ," is an eloquent testimony to the career of the master, entitled "Hans Flasche, 1911-1994: Calderonista e iniciador de los Coloquios anglogermanos sobre Calderón." Included is a prose description of Flasche's deep interest in Calderón that also reminds us of the generation of titans now mostly passed from the scene of comedia criticism, critics such as Alexander A. Parker, Edward M. Wilson, and R. D. F. Pring-Mill, whose works informed countless studies from the fifties through the eighties and, as this volume attests, into the nineties. Perhaps the greatest testimonial to Flasche is the list of his published studies just on Calderón. From 1958 until 1993, the great man gave the profession an invaluable body of work, and, perhaps more importantly , fomented interest in Calderón for a new generation of scholars. For those of us who received our training in the comedia twenty or thirty years ago, the studies included here will seem com- Reviews219 forting and familiar. The primary approaches to the works of Calderón in this collection are variations on the explication de texte and New Critical interests in imagery, structure, and historical context. The almost total lack of interest in theory (as evidenced by the complete absence of references to Judith Butler, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Jacques Lacan, among others, the exception being Hans-Robert Jauss) demonstrates at once the strength of the method solidly based on the text itself and the very traditional focus of the Anglo-German series as a whole. Most of the entries in this volume deal with history (literary, political, and philosophical) and structure. Gisela Beutler places La aurora en Copacabana in its historical context, focusing on the cult of the Virgin Mary; YsIa Campbell investigates elements of Stoicism found in La vida es sueño; A. Robert Lauer provides a thoroughgoing study of La vida es sueño and La cisma de Ingalaterra in light of classical rhetoric; Alan K. G. Paterson examines the auto sacramental in the context of the Hapsburg court; and Alberto Porqueras-Mayo provides an overview of contemporary seventeenth-century critical reaction to Calderón. A focus on Calderón in the 1930s is provided by both Víctor Garcia Ruiz, who details the production of autos sacramentales in Spain, and John London, who studies German versions of El gran teatro del mundo, La vida es sueño, La devoción de la cruz, La dama duende, and El alcalde de Zalamea during the Third Reich. The structure and use of the sarao in El castillo de Lindabrldis is analyzed by Susana Hernández-Araico, while Constance Rose looks at the emblematic presence of Ann Boleyn in La cisma de Ingalaterra; Christopher Strosetzki comments on the nature and use of the miracle in both autos and comedias. Marcella Trambaioli explores the ludic element in Calderón's mythological court plays. Imagery, genre, theme, and textual editions provide the focus for an additional seven entries. Bernard P E. Bentley looks at the imagery in the love dialogues ofAntes que todo es mi dama, and Margaret Rich Greer examines the imagery of hunting in several plays, especially Casa con dos puertas, Amor, honor y poder, Luis Pérez el Gallego, and El postrer duelo de España. Usa Nolting-Hauff investigates the mixture of genres...

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