
Contents: Introduction. Part I Silk across the Pacific: The great silk exchange: how the world was connected and developed, Debin Ma Silk for silver: Manila-Macao trade in the 17th century, Dennis O. Flynn and Arturo GirA!ldez The mechanics of the Macao-Nagasaki silk trade, Michael Cooper Silk raising in colonial Mexico: preliminary schemes, the decline of silk raising, Woodrow Borah Silk culture in California, E.O. Essig. Part II Flows of Technology and Institution: East and West: Pre-modern European silk technology and East Asia: who imported what?, Claudio Zanier Silk-reeling in modern East Asia: internationalization and ramifications of local adaptation: in the late 19th century, Kazuko Furuta Transplantation of the European factory system and adaptations in Japan: the experience of the Tomioka model filature, Yukihiko Kiyokawa. Part III Cotton and Cloth along the Pacific: The cloth trade in Jambi and Palembang society during the 17th and 18th centuries, Barbara Watson Andaya Textile displacement and the status of women in Southeast Asia, Norman Owen Inchon trade: Japanese and Chinese merchants and the Shanghai network, Kazuko Furuta Industrial concentration and the capital markets: a comparative study of Brazil, Mexico, and the United States, 1830-1930, Stephen H. Haber. Part 4 Wool in Australia: A century and a half of wool marketing, A. Barnard. Index.

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