
Water is essential for the lives of humans, animals and plants, while representing an indispensable resource for the economy, and its management goes beyond national borders. Water pollution with oil residues affects both surface water and groundwater; its consequences on the organoleptic properties of water, aquatic fauna and flora are particularly damaging for all ecosystems and their biodiversity. Mechanical recovery of the pollutant provides, according to the international norms, the limitation of the polluted surface and the concentration of the pollutant in order to recover and store the water-hydrocarbon mixture, with limits related to the agitation of the marine/fluvial environment and distance from the intervention base to the polluted area. The choice of blocking/storage systems must take into account several factors, such as type and amount of pollutant recovered, the flow of recovery units, area of use, hydro-weather conditions in the field, mode of transport and mode of location in terrain. This study presents the constructive solutions for the dams made of textile materials, used in case of disasters in the maritime and fluvial area. Post-processing of data, performed with the help of IBM multiplatform software suite, highlighted the variation intervals of the structural parameters for 7 composite materials differentiated by: location, mass, raw material, thickness and thermal resistance. These composites were the basis for computer-aided designs of 14 experimental models (EM), differentiated by the dimensions used, the materials of the floats, the skirt and the area of use (maritime from 4bf to 10 bf or fluvial).

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