
The article discusses the role of textbook in the study of a foreign language, particularly English. The main advantages and disadvantages of the classical textbook are studied in a very logical consequence. The article proves that methodologically expedient use of proper material can undoubtedly ensure the effectiveness of the learning process. Repetitive assignments and systematization of the information in the textbook allow intensifying the learning process monitoring the effectiveness of the learning progress enhancing a learner’s skills motivating practical use of the manual. The article confirms that the textbook is for both learners and teachers as a source of information, reference manual, means of mastering skills correspondingly. It is viewed as a sample of organizational work, well-proportioned content and structure of the educational material. The main emphasis of the textbook is teaching the students practical use of theoretical knowledge while realizing all the steps necessary to solve the corresponding problem. It encourages creative thinking and problem-solving activities.
 The article brings forward the necessity of using proper manual, including stages in the structure of the lesson, as nowadays in the conditions of hybrid classes it is becoming more relevant than ever before to have a very suitable textbook for learners.

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