
Character building is one of the major aims of education and therefore must be integrated across all the aspects of the school curriculum. At the Secondary level compulsory subjects particularly Islamiyat and Pakistan studies are greatly emphasized by the educational policies of Pakistan to instill a set of character virtues in the learners. The major objective behind the study was to analyze the efficacy of Pakistan Studies and Islamiyat textbooks for Secondary level in harmony to character-building endeavor. The method of content analyses of the qualitative approach was adopted for this study. Findings of the analysis depict more representation of moral, civic, and intellectual virtues, while less attention towards performance type virtues of character by the subjects. Textbook of Pakistan studies was found slightly better than Islamiyat due to some advanced features. Lopsided focus towards various types of character virtues, non-intimation of learning outcomes, lack of proper teacher's guidance regarding use of suitable strategies, learning activities, and assessment procedure supportive in character building process were found as weak areas of the textbooks. It was recommended that learning outcomes, teacher guidance, better exercise questions, practical activities, and appropriate focus towards various virtues of character particularly performance virtues may be ensured in the textbooks.

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