
In the contemporary information age, the sheer volume of textual data poses a significant challenge for efficient comprehension and utilization. This project endeavors to address this challenge by developing a Text Summarization System grounded in semantic similarities. The primary goal is to create a robust and intuitive tool that extracts key information from large textual datasets, offering users a concise and meaningful summary. The proposed system employs advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to analyze the semantic relationships within the text. Rather than relying solely on syntactic structures, the model identifies and leverages semantic similarities, such as shared concepts, themes, and contextual relationships, to distill the essential content. This approach enhances the summarization process by ensuring that the generated summaries reflect a deeper understanding of the underlying semantics, thereby capturing the core meaning of the text. Throughout the development of this project, the B.Tech student will delve into the intricacies of semantic analysis, exploring techniques to recognize and prioritize key concepts. The system's effectiveness will be evaluated through rigorous testing on diverse textual datasets, assessing its ability to generate coherent and relevant summaries across various domains. This project not only contributes to the field of NLP but also has practical applications in information retrieval, document summarization, and content curation. By providing an innovative solution to the challenges of information overload, the Text Summarization System based on semantic similarities offers a valuable tool for enhancing efficiency in information processing and decision-making. Index terms Text Summarization, Semantic Similarities, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Semantic Analysis, Information Retrieval, Document Summarization, Content Curation, Information Overload, Decision Making, Textual Data Analysis, Key Concept Recognition, Conceptual Relationships, Syntactic Structures, Semantic Understanding, Textual Datasets Evalution.

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