
The natural scene images contain text as an integral part of that image that supplies paramount knowledge about it. This information and knowledge can be used in the variety of purposes like image-based searching, automatic number plate recognition, robot navigation, etc. but text region extraction and detection in scenery images could be quite a challenging job due to image blur, distortion, noise, etc. In this paper, we discuss a method for extraction of text regions by generating prospective components by applying maximally stable extremal regions (MSER) and boundary smoothing by Alternating guided image filter, which is one of the newest filters to deal with noise and halo effect elimination. The separation of non-text & text components is achieved by AdaBoost classifier that separates text and non-text on the basis of the three text specific features namely maximum stroke width ratio, compactness, color divergence. The proposed method assist in extracting text regions from the blurred and low contrast natural scene images effectively. The ICDAR 2013 training and testing dataset is applied for the experiments and evaluation of the method. The evaluation is carried out using deteval software for calculating precision, f-measure, recall for the detected, and extracted text regions.

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