
Objective: To evaluate the frequency, severity, and prevalence of Text Neck Syndrome among undergraduate students using mobiles, tablets, or laptops. Material and Methods: The descriptive study was conducted in two private colleges in Lahore after approval from the institutional review board of Sharif Medical and Dental College, Lahore, Pakistan. Students with ages greater than 16 years who used mobile phones daily for more than 1 hour were enrolled. Baseline demographic information was collected and questions regarding the duration of phone usage and neck pain were asked. Calculated a sample size of 266 with the help of the WINPEPI statistical program with a confidence of 95% and acceptance difference of 0.06 with an assumed proportion of 0.46. Results: The age range was 18 – 23 years. Out of 266 undergraduate students, 122 (46%) were male and 144 (54%) were female. 157 (59%) students reported having neck pain: Mild in 88 (56.1%), Moderate in 55 (35%), and Severe in 14 (8.9%) students according to self-perception. 97 (61.8%) students were intermittent, 35 (22.3%) had continuous, and 25 (15.9%) had debilitating neck pain. Conclusion: According to this study, Text Neck Syndrome was common in undergraduate students using smartphones, tablets, or laptops.

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