
The peculiarities of formation of text creating competence of future teachers of primary school are found out in the article. The author believes that knowledge about the text and text making activity will ensure the student’s orientation to the development of professional and personal realization, personal and creative attitude to pedagogical activity, confidence in his (her) readiness for it and the desire for professional self-improvement. The purpose of the article is to highlight modern methodological approaches (text-creating performance) to the formation of the text-creating competence of the future primary school teacher. The theoretical-methodological basis of studying consists of classical and modern properties of world and native lingvonodidactics of pedagogy, psychology, active theory of learning and development of personality. A set of researching methods is used: theoretical – analysis of linguistic, psychological, pedagogical, educational and methodological literature on research problems; synthesis and generalization, comparison; development of work experience of teachers of higher education institutions, defining the conceptual system of research; empirical – observation and analysis of pedagogical phenomena and processes, collective and individual conversations in order to identify the main contradictions and defects in the content, teaching methods in order to identify the problems of the formation of the text-creating competence of the future primary school teacher. The text-creating competence is stressed to be knowledge, abilities, skills and experience of text-creating activity acquired in the learning process-primary (reproduction of ready-made texts, creation of own and editing them) and secondary (perception, interpretation, understanding of texts) and also the experience of emotional and valuable attitude to the process and result of text creation. The formation of text-creating competence is found out to be an integrative process that includes philological, psychological and pedagogical components. A detailed analysis of the content and genesis of the concept made it possible to define a text-creating performer as an effective (necessary impact on the reader), high-quality (normative content, composition, language design) text-creating activity of primary school teacher. The studying of the methodological base about the structure of text-creating competence is proved to distinguish its components: textual, cognitive-interpretive, textological, text-productive. These are the abilities to make and edit texts which are formed on the basis of test-creating performance.

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