
The thermochemolytic behavior of 4-O-etherified cinnamyl alcohols and aldehydes in lignin was investigated in the presence of tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) (315 degrees C/4 s), using veratrylglycol-beta-(coniferyl alcohol) ether (1a), veratrylglycol-beta-(sinapyl alcohol) ether (1b), and veratrylglycol-beta-(coniferyl aldehyde) ether (2). The methylated products were monitored with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Dimers 1a and 1b provided the coniferyl and sinapyl alcohol dimethyl ethers consisting of three isomers, respectively. Coniferyl alcohol dimethyl ether isomers were also observed in the TMAH thermochemolysis pyrolysates of a bulk dehydrogenation polymer of coniferyl alcohol and a Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) wood. Coniferyl aldehyde methyl ether was not provided from TMAH thermochemolyses of coniferyl aldehyde, 2, a dehydrogenation polymer of coniferyl aldehyde, and the cedar wood. The former three provided veratryl aldehyde in a large abundance, instead of coniferyl aldehyde methyl ether. Sinapyl aldehyde provided 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzaldehyde in a large abundance and sinapyl aldehyde methyl ether in a trace abundance. The results showed that TMAH thermochemolysis is an effective tool to obtain information on cinnamyl alcohol end groups, but is not applicable to analysis of cinnamyl aldehyde end groups.

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