
Critical thinking is part of the skills needed in science learning in the 21st century. However, the PISA test results show that the level of critical thinking abilities of students in Indonesia is still relatively low. This research was carried out as an effort to overcome this, by developing teaching materials on reaction kinetics based on tetrahedral representations with an ethnoscience approach to improve students' critical thinking skills. This research was carried out in development stages involving 5 expert and practitioner validators and 66 students. Data was collected using questionnaires, observation sheets and test instruments. The data analysis technique used is descriptive data analysis technique, namely by describing the validity, practicality and effectiveness of the teaching materials being developed. The results of this research show that the teaching materials developed are very valid with a validity score of 90.91% and very practical with a practicality score of 90.97%. These results indicate that the teaching materials developed are suitable for use in order to improve students' critical thinking abilities.

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