
The LHC has planned a series of upgrades culminating in the High Luminosity LHC which will have an average luminosity 5-7 times larger than the nominal Run-2 value. The ATLAS Tile calorimeter plans to introduce a new readout architecture by completely replacing the back-end and front-end electronics for the High Luminosity LHC. The photomultiplier signals will be fully digitized and transferred for every bunch crossing to the off-detector Tile PreProcessor. The Tile PreProcessor will further provide preprocessed digital data to the first level of trigger with improved spatial granularity and energy resolution in contrast to the current analog trigger signals. A single super-drawer module commissioned with the phase-II upgrade electronics is to be inserted into the real detector to evaluate and qualify the new readout and trigger concepts in the overall ATLAS data acquisition system. This new super-drawer, so-called hybrid Demonstrator, must provide analog trigger signals for backward compatibility with the current system. This Demonstrator drawer has been inserted into a Tile calorimeter module prototype to evaluate the performance in the lab. In parallel, one more module has been instrumented with two other front-end electronics options based on custom ASICs (QIE and FATALIC) which are under evaluation. These two modules together with three other modules composed of the current system electronics were exposed to different particles and energies in three test-beam campaigns during 2015 and 2016.


  • Motivation for Upgrade Present Phase-II● Phase II 2023 - High Luminosity LHC Total BW~205 Gbps ~80 Tbps● Increased designed luminosity - More events accepted with current criteria No Fibres- More data generated ~500X - Better precision and granularity neededBW/drawer 800 Mbps- Triggering and event selection

  • ● Data readout at 40 MHz to Preprocessor (PPr) off-detector ● Digital trigger with possible full granularity and precision ● Read-out to Front End LInk eXchange (FELIX) after L0 or L1 more_on_FELIX

  • ● About 4 monitoring tasks have been set up on each of this computer. ● Monitoring data is received via FELIX from Demonstrator, FATALIC, and QIE. ● New algorithm has been prepared to publish monitoring histograms on online histogramming server (OH)

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Test Beam Objectives

● Aiming at the physics measurements (electrons/muons/hadrons) - Electrons (EM scale) - Muons (Tile tomography) - Hadrons (jet/Etmiss performance). ● Assess the status of the demonstrator based on 3in1s - Reliability, operation and performance - Feedback on existing/potential problems - Estimate future commissioning efforts. ● Measuring some detector performance in well controlled environment for ATLAS ● Attention and help to FATALIC and QIE ● Demonstrator remains the top priority. ● Data readout at 40 MHz to Preprocessor (PPr) off-detector ● Digital trigger with possible full granularity and precision ● Read-out to Front End LInk eXchange (FELIX) after L0 or L1 more_on_FELIX. ● ASIC - Charge Integrator and Encoder ● Calibration DACs; Integrator ADC; ADC CAL circuit ● Most of the circuitry is in the QIE front-end cards.

Analog trigger output for Demo and Legacy
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