
The recent muon g − 2 result from Fermilab combined with the Brookhaven result, strongly points to new physics beyond the Standard Model which can be well described by the electroweak sector of supersymmetry if the masses of the sleptons and some of the electroweak gauginos are in the few hundred GeV range. However, the Higgs boson mass measurement at 125 GeV indicates a mass scale for squarks which lies in the few TeV region indicating a split mass spectrum between squarks and sleptons. This apparent puzzle is resolved in a natural way in gluino-driven radiative breaking of the electroweak symmetry where radiative breaking is driven by a large gluino mass and the gluino color interactions lead to a large splitting between the squarks and the sleptons. We show that an analysis without prejudice using an artificial neural network also leads to the gluino-driven radiative breaking. We use a set of benchmarks and a deep neural network analysis to test the model for the discovery of light sleptons and sneutrinos at HL-LHC and HE-LHC.

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