
Throughout this article we assume that the df H of a random vector (X,Y) is in the max-domain of attraction of an extreme value distribution function (df) G with reverse exponential margins. Therefore, the asymptotic dependence structure of H can be represented by a Pickands dependence function D with D = 1 representing the case of asymptotic independence. One of our aims is to test the null hypothesis of tail-dependence against the alternative of tail-independence. Thus we want to prove the validity of the model where D = 1. The test is based on the radial component X + Y. Under a certain spectral expansion it is verified that the df of X + Y, conditioned on X + Y > c, converges to F(t) = t, as c ↑0, if D ≠ 1 and, respectively, to F(t) = t 1 + ρ , if D = 1, where ρ > 0 determines the rate at which independence is attained. Based on the limiting dfs we find a uniformly most powerful test procedure for testing tail-dependence against rates of tail-independence. In addition, an estimator of the parameter ρ is proposed. The relationship of ρ to another dependence measure, given in the literature, is indicated.

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