
Abstract. 1. Attributes of patches with strawberry plants were manipulated experimentally to assess the impact of patch size and host density on the abundance of tarnished plant bug (Hemiptera: Miridae) and incidence of fruit damage.2. The density of nymphs per inflorescence increased with patch size and host density for some but not all generations of plant bug, providing partial support for the resource concentration hypothesis, while emphasising the importance of replicating experiments across several generations of herbivore.3. Increasing density of nymphs with increasing patch size and host density did not translate into a high incidence of damage, which may be due to the relatively low feeding impact of nymphs in patches with numerous fruits and to the relatively high perimeter‐to‐area ratio in small patches resulting in a relatively high proportion of damaged fruits.4. The decreasing proportion of damaged fruits with increasing density of fruits per patch suggests that nymphs exhibit a saturating functional response to density of strawberry fruits. Functional responses of herbivores may be a critical yet overlooked component that influences interactions between insects and their host plant. In particular, concentrated plant resources may result in increased numbers of herbivores yet sill have a negligible influence on plant damage and/or fitness.

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