
This paper mainly discusses the improvement of performance of the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model in estimating the variation of the Vertical Total Electron Content (VTEC) over the mid latitude American regions during the relatively low (2008–2010) and relatively high (2012) solar activity years. This has been conducted employing the VTEC values obtained from the dual frequency ground based Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers located at Mineral Area Community College, MACC (37.85°N, 269.52°W) and Mississippi County Airport, MAIR (36.85°N, 270.64°W), and the latest versions of the IRI online model (IRI 2007, IRI 2012 and IRI 2016). The study mainly focuses to compare the trend of variability of the monthly and seasonal modeled VTEC values (IRI 2007 VTEC, IRI 2012 VTEC and IRI 2016 VTEC) with the corresponding measured VTEC values (GPS VTEC). The overall results show that the IRI VTEC values (almost in all versions of the model) are generally smaller than the GPS VTEC except after about 15:00 UT (09:00 LT) in the December solstice when the Sun shifts to the high solar activity. On the contrary, overestimations of the VTEC values by the model are observed in traversing from the low solar activity (2008) to high solar activity (2012) phase, especially after about 15:00 UT (09::00 LT) with the IRI 2016 version showing the highest. In general, the IRI 2007 and IRI 2012 versions show similar monthly and seasonal underestimations or overestimations showing that the two versions have almost similar performance. The IRI 2016 version is generally better in capturing both the diurnal and arithmetic mean GPS VTEC values with some exceptional months and seasons as compared to those of the IRI 2007 and IRI 2012 versions.

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