
The last few years have seen a surge in excitement about measurements of statistics of the primordial fluctuations beyond the power spectrum. New ideas for precision tests of Gaussianity and statistical isotropy in the data are developing simultaneously with proposals for a wide range of new theoretical possibilities. From both the observations and theory, it has become clear that there is a huge discovery potential from upcoming measurements. In this Special Issue of Advances in Astronomy we have collected articles that summarize the theoretical predictions for departures from Gaussianity or statistical isotropy from a variety of potential sources, together with the observational approaches to test these properties using the CMB or large-scale structure. We hope this collection provides an accessible entry point to these topics as they currently stand, indicating what direction future developments may take and demonstrating why these questions are so compelling. The Special Issue is available at http://www.hindawi.com/journals/aa/2010/si.gsiu.html, and individual articles are also available on the arXiv.

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