
One of the fundamental challenges in cosmic ray physics is to explain the nature of cosmic ray acceleration and propagation mechanisms. Owing to the precise cosmic ray data measured by recent space experiments, we can investigate cosmic ray acceleration and propagation models more comprehensively and reliably. In this paper, we combine the secondary-to-primary ratios and primary spectra measured by PAMELA, AMS02, ACE-CRIS, and Voyager-1 to constrain the cosmic ray source and transport parameters. The study shows that the data yield a medium-energy diffusion slope and a high-energy slope . The species place a looser constraint on but a tighter constraint on . The overlaps imply that heavy and light particles can provide compatible results at medium to high energies. Moreover, both the light and heavy nuclei indicate a consistent diffusion slope variation at GV. At low energies, significant disagreements exist between heavy and light elements. The boron-to-carbon ratio requires a much larger diffusion slope shift at approximately 4 GV or a stronger Alfvén velocity than the low-mass data. This indicates that the heavy and light particles may suffer different low-energy transport behaviors in the galaxy. However, a better understanding of the consistency/inconsistency between the heavy and light cosmic rays relies on more precise cross-sections, better constraints on correlations in systematic errors of data, a more accurate estimation of the galaxy halo size, and a more robust description of solar modulation during the reversal period of the heliospheric magnetic field.

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