
Testing preorders on component specifications ensure that replacing a specification by a refined one does not introduce unwanted behavior in an overall system. Considering deadlocks as unwanted, the preorder can be characterized by a failure semantics on Labeled Transition Systems (LTSs). In previous work, we have generalized this to Modal Transition Systems (MTSs) with a new, MTS-specific testing idea. In the present article, we generalize this idea further to DMTS, a subclass of disjunctive MTSs. On the one hand, the testing preorder can be characterized by the same failure semantics, and dMTS have no additional expressivity in our setting. On the other hand, the technical treatment is significantly harder and, surprisingly, the preorder is not compositional. Furthermore, we regard deadlocks and divergence (infinite unobservable runs) as unwanted and characterize the testing preorder with an unusual failure-divergence semantics. This preorder is already on LTSs strictly coarser—and hence arguably better—than the traditional failure-divergence preorder. It is a precongruence on dMTS, also for hiding, and much easier to handle than the deadlock-based preorder. It arises as well from a new variant of De Nicola’s and Hennessy’s must-testing.

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