
Arithmetic computations can be on integer or floating(real) numbers. In digital systems, ALU handles arithmetic operations. However, ALU is not suitable for handling operations on real numbers as the result may not be precise and accurate. Hence to perform operations on real numbers digital systems use a dedicated unit called floating point unit(FPU). In this paper, the designed FPU is single precision and operates on IEEE - 754 - 2008 format. The available arithmetic operations on this FPU are floating point multiplication, division, addition and subtraction. The designed FPU can operate on both normal(normalized) and subnormal(denormalized) numbers present in floating point numbers. In this paper, stuck-at fault model using Built in self test(BIST) method is designed for the floating point unit to check the fault in the design. Basic idea behind the BIST is testing the device by itself. The proposed design is modified for parallel testing by dividing the FPU into 3 independent blocks. In this method when one of the blocks is in its normal operation the other block of the FPU is tested in parallel. The design's RTL code is written in Verilog HDL and Xilinx Vivado 2015 is used for simulation. The proposed method reduces the dynamic power by 10.47% compared to the conventional method.

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