
This paper compares the type I error and power of the one- and two-sample t-tests, and the one- and two-sample permutation tests for detecting differences in gene expression between two microarray samples with replicates using Monte Carlo simulations. When data are generated from a normal distribution, type I errors and powers of the one-sample parametric t-test and one-sample permutation test are very close, as are the two-sample t-test and two-sample permutation test, provided that the number of replicates is adequate. When data are generated from a t-distribution, the permutation tests outperform the corresponding parametric tests if the number of replicates is at least five. For data from a two-color dye swap experiment, the one-sample test appears to perform better than the two-sample test since expression measurements for control and treatment samples from the same spot are correlated. For data from independent samples, such as the one-channel array or two-channel array experiment using reference design, the two-sample t-tests appear more powerful than the one-sample t-tests.

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