
Recent lattice QCD data on higher order susceptibilities of Charm quarks provide the opportunity to explore Charm quark equilibration in the early quark gluon plasma (QGP) phase. Here, we propose to use the lattice data on second and fourth order net Charm susceptibilities to infer the Charm quark equilibration temperature and the corresponding volume, in the early QGP stage, via a combined analysis of experimentally measured multiplicity fluctuations. Furthermore, the first perturbative results for the second and fourth order Charm quark susceptibilities and their ratio are presented.


  • Heavy ion collisions serve as a tool to explore the properties of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) under extreme conditions

  • At initial quark gluon plasma (QGP) temperatures, exceeding several hundred MeV, charm quark equilibration is possible and should be addressed experimentally. This will allow direct access to the temperatures reached within the early QGP and may contribute to the recent discussion about a flavour dependent decoupling temperatures

  • The idea is that at high temperatures charm quarks do reach chemical equilibrium during the system’s evolution. If this is the case, the fluctuations, e.g., the second (2 /χc2 = T V ) and the fourth moment [(χc4)/(χc2/T 2) = κσ 2] of the distribution allow to extract the volume V and the temperature T of the system at the decoupling temperature of the charm quarks, using the measured data on the kurtosis κ and the variance σ to extract T and V

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Heavy ion collisions serve as a tool to explore the properties of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) under extreme conditions. The current high energy frontier is energy of e√xspNloNre=d in Au+Au reactions at a center-of-mass 200 GeV at the Relativistic Heavy Ion. Collider (RHC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA and raetatchteioLnsarogfeuHp atodr√onsNCNol=lid5e.r02(LTHeVC.) at CERN with Pb+Pb. A description of the hadron multiplicities in terms of a statistical emission from a thermalized grand canonical hadron resonance gas at a temperature of 150–160 MeV has been rather successful for the majority of explored strange and nonstrange hadron species. Comparing the calculated net-charm susceptibilities [13] and experimental data, this may allow to gain insights into the initial temperatures reached in the reaction, complementary to direct photon measurements. We exemplify this idea on the charm quark thermalization that might be explorable at current and future accelerators.

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