
Background: The tool “Preferences for Everyday Living Inventory” (PELI) for Nursing Homes (NH) was developed in the USA. In our project PELI-D, the PELI was translated from English into German and piloted in three care settings: Nursing Home (NH), Home Care (HC) and Adult Day Care (AD). Objective: The objective is to provide insights in preferences of importance of older adults in need of care in Germany. Methods: Data collection was carried out in 2019 on multiple measurement points: n=48 baseline (T0) and n=41 two-week follow-up (T1). Results: The results indicate that the importance of certain preferences distinguishes between the care settings: In NH preferences for body care and aspects of professional care are important. Additionally, in HC the aspects of social contact and eating/drinking are perceived as important. Comparing T0 and T1, importance of the item’s daily routines, social contact and aspects of privacy seem to be reliable.

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