
We aim to test the performances of an incompressible turbulence Reynolds-Averaged Navier–Stokes one-closure equation model in a boundary layer (NSTKE model). We model a new boundary condition for the turbulent kinetic energy k (TKE), and we achieve the mathematical analysis of the resulting NSTKE model. A series of direct numerical simulation are performed, with flat and non trivial topographies, to obtain by interpolation a generic formula for the Prandtl mixing length ℓ=ℓ(Re⋆,z), Re⋆ being the frictional Reynolds number, and z the distance to the wall. This allows us to carry out numerical simulations at high Reynolds numbers with this turbulence model, in order to discuss its ability to properly reproduce the standard profiles observed in neutral boundary layers, and to assess its advantages, its disadvantages and its limits.

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