
The potential of multi-elevated-temperature post-IR IRSL (MET-pIRIR) dating [Li, B., Li, S.H., 2011. Luminescence dating of K-feldspar from sediments: a protocol without anomalous fading correction. Quaternary Geochronology 6, 468–479] using polymineral fine grains (FG) (4–11μm) is tested using loess samples from the Luochuan section in the Chinese Loess Plateau. Nine FG samples with ages within the last glacial–interglacial period are tested using the MET-pIRIR protocol. The MET-pIRIR results for FG are compared with both the coarse grain (63–90μm) K-feldspar MET-pIRIR dating results and the coarse grain quartz OSL dating results. The stratigraphic age of the profile also provides an independent age control. Our results indicate that the FG MET-pIRIR signals of 200°C and 250°C have negligible anomalous fading and they can give reliable ages for the Chinese loess within the last glacial–interglacial period.

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