
To assess testicular volume at puberty for boys who underwent orchidopexy at 9 or at 36 months compared to boys with spontaneous postnatal descent. At age 6 months, boys with congenital unilateral cryptorchidism were randomised to surgery at 9 or 39 months of age and followed to 16 years in parallel with boys with spontaneous postnatal descent. Ultrasound was done at 11 and 16 years to determine testicular volume. The ratio of the initially undescended testis to its scrotal counterpart was used to assess testicular growth. At age 16, the ratio was lower (p < 0.00) in the late group compared to the early group. At 16 years, the spontaneously descended testes were significantly smaller than their scrotal counterparts but larger than the operated groups (early p < 0.01 and late p < 0.00). Our data at 16 years show that orchidopexy at 9 months results in better testicular growth compared to 3 years but did not reach the corresponding volumes of their scrotal counterparts. This indicates that earlier surgery is beneficial to testicular growth. At age 16, the postnatally descended testes were not only larger than the surgically treated testes but also exhibited impaired testicular growth.

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